Bridging the Gaps
for People in Need

About US
Membership in the Saline County Inter-Agency Council consists of member agencies who exist to meet the needs of others. The SCIAC was formed for the expressed purpose of collaboration between not-for-profit, government entities, and individuals to eliminate duplication of services and improve communications between groups.
- Members receive monthly meeting minutes to stay informed of community events and changes taking place within member agencies.
- Member agencies receive cooperation, understanding and promotion of their organization’s programs by other member agencies through coverage of the local news media.
- Members learn about services being offered in the community and surrounding region for the benefit of their clients and for the coordination of services.
- Members are given the opportunity to present needs in the community to the whole organization for discussion and problem solving.
- Leads the entire community through the Saline County Holiday Project, an annual undertaking to provide gifts to children and food for families during the holidays. This is the only distribution of its kind during the holiday season and serves over 600 families.
Our Officers
Chelsea Corkins – President/ MU Extension
Annie Burkhalter – Vice President/Missouri Valley Community Action Agency
Rebecca LaGore – Secretary/ Northwest Community Services
Eden DeGonia – Treasurer/ Marshall Public Schools Social Work Team
Chelsea Hoskins- Communication Officer/ Saline County Health Department
The Saline County Inter-Agency Council meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Saline County Health Department 1825 S Atchison Ave in Marshall.
The Saline County Resource Guide has been created to provide a quick access list of county resources and services. If your organization’s information needs added or updated, please email